". Tips Blog For Money: Tips Blog For Money

Tips Blog For Money

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tips tricks How To Make Money With Blogs. When you have a blog with interesting content with having a lot of traffic visitors, so that you can use it as a field for a dollar. Now I'll show you the way you can get rich through the blog, there are several sources of income that will meet your pocket.

1. Ads
This is the most common blogger, not a few bloggers who have received thousands of dollars per month. Advertising program that is most widely used Google Adsense, WidgetBucks, bidvertise, adbrite and many more.
register your account and put the ad script on your blog, if there is a visitor who clicks the ad blog that you will be able to commission.

2. Affiliate Program.
Lots of affiliate programs you can follow. overseas affiliate program good enough as Clickbank, Linkshare, Commission Junction, and Amazon, or from affiliate download like rapidshare, ziddu, etc.. The way there was a list of reply in the affiliate program through your link, then you get a commission, or if through affiliate download, there is a download reply from your link, you will be able to commission.

3. Review.
Here you'll get paid to review or evaluate, tells a web blog or certain products according to the criteria of the request.

4. Direct ad.
Opportunity to add money through direct advertising is wide open. That is, companies or institutions interested Promotion through your blog, can be advertised directly without intermediaries. You can pick up the ball by offering it to them. But of course they do not want to put ads on his blog at random, but also see whether the blog you have high traffic, your blog visitors in accordance with the company's target market, and the image of your blog does not disturb the company's image. The number of visitors is very influential.

5. Selling Blog.
You can create a blog with the purpose for resale. If your blog trafficnya high, usually much interested in buying. So you live for the blog, then sell at high prices. Then you live for a new blog to be developed again and sold again.

6. Business Writing Blog (writer content).
Because the content of blogs, especially writing, you can also make income opportunities. You can offer yourself to fill the blogs of others.

And there are many ways to make money with blogs
The principle is never satisfied with the income that you have got so far. Continue to create new sources. With creativity, you can certainly develop new income sources of the unexpected.


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